About Me

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I am a Third Year Illustration student. I like to set goals high and allow myself to be influenced by the beauties of the world around me. I am not specific in terms of genre or purpose, I like the challenge!

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Forgot this one too...

I did this for my Mum and Dad's Christmas card. Ink, gouache and watercolour.


Some stuff...

A couple of sketches from the other day :)

Hope everyone had a good Christmas!

Saturday, 17 December 2011


FINALLY! A blog update! As I have said before apologies for the delay but now I have picked out some of my recent favourites...

SNEAK PEAK! This is one of the first plan designs for a books I hope to begin working on in the next week or so. Meet Ronnie and Giblets!

...Sketches from when I was last visiting my parents of barges and canals. Mixture of observational and resource sketches...

...character experimentation...

...More character experimentation...

...The birth of 'Things'. 
First appearing in a obscure zine I made in a day, Things' DNA is being tampered with so he may be applicable to many pieces of work to come!

...Recent experimentation drawing over painted backgrounds. I have found a love for white and black gouache!...

The Expedition Memoires of Willet C. Wells! A narrative I created in a week. The final book ended up far from desirable, however it will be redesigned to better standards soon...

...Christmas entity. How unexplained souls see Christmas...

...Experiment board. The charming little girl became the character I painted on my fellow illustrator's Christmas card...

...And finally some of the Christmas cards I have been lovingly hand-painting for friends and family. I had real fun doing these and there are many more, but not everyone has received theirs yet...

I will post more pieces up after Christmas when people have received them. Wouldn't want to go and spoil peoples' presents now!

Wishing everyone a safe, warm and very merry Christmas,
Emily White Illustration.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Double apologies...

Things in the world of 'Emily White Illustration' have been pretty solid for the past few weeks. So massive apologies.
I had to give a load of my work in for marking and haven't had that back yet. But once I do it will be a massive uploading fest.

In festive news, I've got the tinsel bug and gone Christmas mad! I'm really looking forward to it this year. And in celebration of this, I am working on handmade cards, presents AND wrapping paper! So that'll keep me busy.

I have teamed up with a few fellow illustrators and we're beginning to collaborate on some little characters and comical stories. It's still in the brainstorm process but there will be a blog set up soon and we'll see it grow from there!

I am also working on a side blog specifically for a certain set of characters!! COMING JANUARY 2012!

That's all for now folks! I'll be back in touch soon.

Thursday, 24 November 2011


Apologies for the lack of posts since summer.
I have been getting settled back into university and sorting out a few other pieces.

I have lots to report however so get ready!

Emily. x

Thursday, 15 September 2011

A few more...

A few more that I missed out in my upload-fest yesterday..

The final T-shirt design for the guys at Carving a Giant. If you're into music of the heavier genre go check them out!
NOTE: Wanted to watermark this one because it was a commissioned piece and I don't want anyone using it without permission from myself or the band. Thanks.

Possibly my favourite sketchbook page of the holiday! Three new, different styles together, with different themes for different purposes. I'd like the spirit/ghost entity to be sort of a little logo or on my business cards (which I am designing right now!) 

Business cards and woodcuts are my attention grabbers for the next few days and pictures will be uploaded as soon as they are printed!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Farewell Summer...

Well, summer came and went quicker than a weekend romance and the trees begin to shed their summer gowns in favour for bare bark. However, this means that i'm only a week away from starting my second year! I'm so excited, not only to plan my year ahead, but to look back and see how much I've progressed. It's nice to look behind you and see where you have come from and follow the trail of progression right up to your feet.

So here are a few things that i've produced since my last post...

Piece for a good friend of mine. Celebrating his daughter's horse having a foal...

Portrait of my Aunt's BEAUTIFUL English Bull Terrier. I love him to pieces!
Done in ink and watercolour...

Experiment with new paper craft cutter and pen...

Not much is being said on this little dear, only WATCH THIS SPACE...

From the balcony on holiday in Portugal.
Watercolour and pen...

Character design experiment, influenced by the lovely port of Vilamora, Portugal...

Male experimentation...

Back on the lovely Cheltenham. Bridge at Pittville Park pool.
Watercolour and pen...

Quick watercolour experiments. I like the pink effect to highlight the coat...

I've got some more to add in the very near future! But for now, there is a new year to plan! :)

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Excuse me Sir, this backlog is too big...

WOW! I haven't updated anything for nearly 3 months! But that doesn't mean I haven't been busy!

I've tried to put these in the best order possible...

Old chap in a pub in Stroud, Gloucestershire...

Two characters I began to design for a Steampunk adventure story...

Inspiration from my Dad and Cousin playing snooker in Wales...

Some pieces I did whilst out for a drink with my Dad in Wolverly. A news reporter and a new version of 'Super-mon'...

Wolverine and a illustration I did on the way to Southend. My mum had been worrying the day before about me being safe once I got into London so I did this for her...

A rather spiffing chap on the Tube from Aldgate...

When visiting friends, don't stop working :)...

Waiting for my pub lunch with the parents. 'Cause Trekkies do it better...

The collection of pieces are out of my sketchbooks that I continued to work on during a family canal holiday. From Wrenbury to Wales to Nantwich...

Elderly couple and their Golden Retriever outside a cafe in Nantwich, Cheshire...
Sketches in between steering the barge...

Got 'rained in' as we were traveling to Llangollen, Wales so took inspiration from the NME Amy Winehouse tribute cover...

Starting drawing the oldies that seemed to swarm and stare at the barges. I believe the correct term for them is 'Gangooglers'...or something similar. May develop these odd little creatures more...

The day previous I couldn't get much done as I was needed, so this was more of an illustrated command...

Experimenting with acrylics and matching words, typography and illustrations. This is the first line of a poem I devised, hopefully to become a bigger illustrated piece...

I coloured my Max (Where the Wild Things Are) illustration that I used for my t-shirt prints. Apologies for the scan line, had to scan it in 2 sections because it was too big to scan in one go...

 And finally, 'Mar ol mon from th' Black Countray' (My Dad from the black Country). This is based on my Dad. As a note he looks nothing like this but it's my perception of our roots in the Black Country. I am very proud of the Black Country history, people and especially accent!

Phew! That was a lot. But enough for now :)

Saturday, 25 June 2011

I'm getting round to it...

Haven't posted in a while because unfortunately, today is the last day i'll be at university until September. Been moving out of my halls of residence and it's been a pain with the amount of clothes I have and the amount of stuff I use for my work!

Haven't been able to scan in things for a while, mainly because i've been working on so many things in different things! So this is what I can find on my computer...

24TH JUNE: T-shirt printing.
I spent 7 solid hours printing 8 one off t-shirts. This excludes the time it took to organise and prepare the silk screen. Here are my best ones...

MAy-JUNE- Screen Printing.
I love silk screen!!! That's all I can say...

I have many MANY more but these were the ones I had to hand.

MAY-JUNE- Carving a Giant.
I have been doing some work for the epic guys in a local band, Carving a Giant (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Carving-a-Giant-UK/182529221770468). They wanted album art work and some t-shirt designs. The t-shirt design is taking a while because I'm not happy with the 'failed' outcomes. The main t-shirt idea is on it's way now though!

Section of the t-shirt design...

MAY-JUNE- Media Experimentation.
I'm trying to be more free with my media. Now Summer is here, I can go nuts!

Indian Ink on textured tracing paper...

COLOUR! Feel like I haven't used coloured pencils in ages!

Self-set 90 minute drawing challenge. I wanted to see how quick I could be to analyse my own work and improve it. Pencil on A5 watercolour postcards.
Look from RIGHT to LEFT...

When i'm settledI can upload more things.

And more screen prints!!