About Me

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I am a Third Year Illustration student. I like to set goals high and allow myself to be influenced by the beauties of the world around me. I am not specific in terms of genre or purpose, I like the challenge!

Monday 30 April 2012

Procrastinate with a purpose...

My lengths to hinder the completion of a bibliography have resulted in doing experimentation work for my publication project.
Here is an initial design as to what the front cover of my book may look like...

Now my wonderful housemate has made cheesecake so i'm off to devour it!

Monday 9 April 2012

New work...

Visiting relatives over the Easter period doesn't stop me from taking a sketchbook!
Everyone needs a degree in sleeve rolling..

Old bloke in a pub talking about barges...

A timid yet well cultured gentleman and his poetic tale of asking out a girl...

Under-achieved Animals...A possible new series...

Enjoy! x

Thursday 5 April 2012

New Characters...

Here is my new style of characters in progress. I think they look so funny! Really enjoying playing about the the extreme necks...

Mini study experiment...

Quick sketch of an ambulance and a rather melancholy character...

Fonzy just gave up being cool...

Study idea for possible illustrated poem and testing out my new funky pencil crayon...

It's funny how many guys can fit this character...

Bye for now! xx