So yeah, it's been ages since I've put anything up.
I had a break after handing in all my work from the first term.
So although I feel it isn't a lot, this is what I've been up to since.
Inspired by a poem I read. She's supposed to be a 'young queen'.
And then I played about with my new toy... CS5!!
And some more playing about...
Used as a 4am brainstorm for the final task of my Bridge of Bones project. However I'm going to make this into it's own story...
A little character design experimenting with a new style
Forest Floozy- Authorship experiment
Initial thought pages...
A few technique sketches and looking at noses.
(top centre sketch is an idea I may work with for a new character)
My first prototype of my authorship main character (tadaa!!)
From this I can break down every little detail to make the perfect character.
FOR NOW...I'm back to textbook research :(
But i'm having the next 2 weeks solid work so i'm setting a task of a blog-a-day.
FYI, last picture was scanned in on my new scanner. WOOOO!
This means better quality pictures people :)