About Me

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I am a Third Year Illustration student. I like to set goals high and allow myself to be influenced by the beauties of the world around me. I am not specific in terms of genre or purpose, I like the challenge!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Nearly there...

Unfortunately, it is nearly the end of my first year at university.
This however, doesn't mean I have less work to do. I have this delayed post to show that!

Here are some sketches I did whilst on the family Easter holiday to Turkey.

At the airport and on the plane.

On the plane and first day.

'Snooty so-and-so' and one of the waiters.

Really happy with this! Long time since I managed to keep my patience long enough to do a realistic portrait!

Lad from the bar next door to the hotel and another waiter from the hotel.

Girl on the bus (I exaggerated and improvised to finish it).

From imagination. I love him! Although I want to redo his arm, it's not chubby enough.

Another digital colour experiment. Used my friend's graphics tablet to practice with.

I was determined to work whilst on holiday because, well, I wanted to!
I've been so used to constantly thinking and drawing over this past year it's now a habit...a habit that I'll love forever! :)

On the animation front, i am but a few hours away from completing my piece!
Again, my ideas changed but this was due to last minute difficulties.
In the end, I have tried stop motion, and a pretty tricky kind too! It's come out wonderful for my first serious attempt at stop motion and I hope to upload the full animation soon.

The animation is called 'Reuben'. It is a slightly surreal portrayal of the struggles of a neglected child. It sees how a child in this situation may feel and perceive their loneliness and how easy it is to show that child that they can be loved.

In time, I would love to re-create it and make it better, perhaps another summer project?!

Here are my favourite stills from 'Reuben'.
(NOTE: He turned out A LOT bigger than first planned, making the challenge more difficult! Approximately stands about 3 foot, possibly more!)

Doing this animation and puppet making has given me an enormous boost in creative moral! I feel like I really achieved something great with what little time I had to work with. I've explored a whole new line of creativity that I would really like to continue with.