FINALLY! A blog update! As I have said before apologies for the delay but now I have picked out some of my recent favourites...
SNEAK PEAK! This is one of the first plan designs for a books I hope to begin working on in the next week or so. Meet Ronnie and Giblets!
...Sketches from when I was last visiting my parents of barges and canals. Mixture of observational and resource sketches...
...character experimentation...
...More character experimentation...
...The birth of 'Things'.
First appearing in a obscure zine I made in a day, Things' DNA is being tampered with so he may be applicable to many pieces of work to come!
...Recent experimentation drawing over painted backgrounds. I have found a love for white and black gouache!...
The Expedition Memoires of Willet C. Wells! A narrative I created in a week. The final book ended up far from desirable, however it will be redesigned to better standards soon...
...Christmas entity. How unexplained souls see Christmas...
...Experiment board. The charming little girl became the character I painted on my fellow illustrator's Christmas card...
...And finally some of the Christmas cards I have been lovingly hand-painting for friends and family. I had real fun doing these and there are many more, but not everyone has received theirs yet...
I will post more pieces up after Christmas when people have received them. Wouldn't want to go and spoil peoples' presents now!
Wishing everyone a safe, warm and very merry Christmas,
Emily White Illustration.